Baby Travel Tip

Best Baby Travel Tips for Long Flights: Best Guide In 2023

Traveling with a baby on long flights can be challenging, but with the right preparation and strategies, it can also be a manageable and even enjoyable experience. In this comprehensive guide, we will share expert tips and insights to help you make your next long flight with your baby as smooth as possible. From packing essentials to in-flight entertainment, we’ve got you covered.

Packing Smart

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Photo by 28703 on Pixabay

Packing Checklist

When preparing to travel with your baby on a long flight, creating a detailed packing checklist is your first and most crucial step. Ensure you include all the necessary items your baby will need during the flight and throughout your journey. Here’s a comprehensive checklist:

  • Diapers: Pack enough diapers to last the entire journey, and then some. Long flights can sometimes lead to unexpected delays.
  • Wipes: Carry a sufficient supply of baby wipes for diaper changes and general cleanliness.
  • Extra Clothing: Babies are prone to spills and accidents, so pack at least one change of clothing for your little one.
  • Baby Food: If your baby is already on solids, bring along their favorite snacks and meals. For infants, pre-packaged baby food can be a lifesaver.
  • Formula and Bottles: If you’re formula-feeding, bring pre-measured formula in separate containers and enough clean bottles for the duration of the flight.
  • Medications: Don’t forget any prescribed medications your baby may need during the journey.
  • Favorite Toy or Comfort Item: A familiar toy or blanket can provide comfort and entertainment for your baby during the flight.

Diaper Bag Organization

Organizing your diaper bag efficiently is essential. Use small pouches or compartments within the bag to keep items separate and easily accessible. This level of organization will prevent you from frantically searching for essentials when your baby needs them most, reducing stress for both you and your baby.

Feeding on the Go

Breastfeeding or Bottle Feeding

Whether you breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby, planning for feeding times during the flight is crucial. Here’s what you should consider:

  • Breastfeeding: Wear comfortable clothing that allows for discreet nursing, and consider using a nursing cover for added privacy.
  • Bottle-Feeding: If you’re bottle-feeding, ensure you have enough bottles with pre-measured formula or breast milk. Most airlines can provide hot water to warm bottles, but it’s wise to check with your airline’s policies in advance.

Snacks for Older Babies

If your baby has reached the age where they’re eating solids, pack some age-appropriate snacks. Opt for small, non-messy snacks like baby puffs, fruit slices, or yogurt drops. These snacks can keep your little one occupied and satisfied during the flight. Remember to bring a spill-proof sippy cup for hydration, which is essential to prevent any mid-flight thirst or discomfort.

In-Flight Comfort

Choosing the Right Seat

Selecting the right seat on the plane can make a significant difference in your baby’s comfort during the flight. Here are some considerations:

  • Extra Seat: If your budget allows, consider purchasing an extra seat for your baby. This option provides extra space and flexibility for you and your baby to move around.
  • Bulkhead Seats: If purchasing an extra seat isn’t feasible, try to book a bulkhead seat with a bassinet attachment. These seats offer additional legroom and come equipped with a bassinet where your baby can sleep comfortably when not in your arms.

Dressing Your Baby

Dressing your baby appropriately for the flight is crucial for their comfort. Airplane cabins can have fluctuating temperatures, so opt for dressing your baby in comfortable layers. This allows you to adjust their clothing as needed to ensure they remain cozy throughout the flight. Additionally, don’t forget to pack a soft, lightweight blanket for added warmth and comfort.

Entertainment and Distractions

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Photo by minkewink on Pixabay

Pack Age-Appropriate Toys

Entertainment is key to keeping your baby content during a long flight. Consider these tips when selecting toys:

  • Variety: Bring a variety of toys to keep your baby engaged. Rattles, soft books, teething toys, and plush animals are excellent choices.
  • Age-Appropriateness: Ensure that the toys you bring are suitable for your baby’s age and developmental stage.
  • Novelty: Introduce new toys during the flight to capture your baby’s interest. The novelty of a new toy can hold their attention longer.

Screen Time

For older babies who are accustomed to screen time, consider bringing a tablet or smartphone loaded with baby-friendly apps or videos. Be sure to have headphones that are safe and comfortable for your baby’s delicate ears. To prevent overstimulation, limit screen time to age-appropriate durations.

Keeping a Routine

Stick to a Schedule

Maintaining a routine can provide comfort and predictability for your baby during a long flight. Here’s how to stick to your baby’s schedule:

  • Feeding Times: Try to align your baby’s feeding times with the flight schedule as closely as possible. Familiar routines can help soothe your baby.
  • Nap Times: If your baby has a regular nap schedule, aim to stick to it as best as you can. A well-rested baby is generally a happier traveler.


Traveling with a baby on long flights may seem daunting, but with careful planning and preparation, it can be a manageable and enjoyable experience for both you and your little one. Remember to stay patient, flexible, and attuned to your baby’s needs. Every baby is unique, so adapt these expert tips to suit your baby’s preferences. With the right strategies in place, you can embark on a successful and stress-free travel adventure with your baby. Safe travels!